By AFC Youth
November 26, 2024
National Runaway Prevention Month: Raising Awareness and Providing Support Every November, National Runaway Prevention Month (NRPM) shines a light on one of the most overlooked issues affecting vulnerable youth in our country: running away. It is a time to raise awareness, educate the public, and encourage proactive steps to prevent young people from fleeing their homes. Runaway youth face unimaginable challenges, from exposure to homelessness and exploitation to isolation and trauma. NRPM serves as a reminder that by working together as a community, we can help keep children safe, support families, and ultimately prevent young people from running away. Understanding the Crisis of Youth Running Away Each year, over 4.5 million youth between the ages of 12 and 17 will run away from home, according to the National Runaway Safeline (NRS). The reasons behind these decisions vary greatly, but they often stem from a combination of factors such as family conflict, physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or struggles with mental health and identity. While many of these teens eventually return home or find a safe place to stay, many others are at risk of long-term consequences, including homelessness, addiction, trafficking, and mental health crises. The emotional toll of running away is often underreported. For the youth who run, it’s rarely a simple choice—it’s a desperate act of survival. They might feel like they have nowhere to turn or believe that fleeing is the only way to escape the pain they are experiencing. Without proper resources and support systems, these young people can find themselves trapped in dangerous situations, further escalating their vulnerability. What National Runaway Prevention Month Aims to Achieve NRPM aims to change this narrative by increasing awareness and encouraging conversations about youth homelessness and runaway prevention. The month-long observance is a call to action for communities to come together and take steps to help prevent youth from feeling like running away is their only option. Here are the core goals of NRPM: Raising Awareness: NRPM provides a platform to educate the public about the prevalence of runaway youth, as well as the factors that contribute to these situations. By shedding light on this issue, the goal is to foster a more informed and compassionate society that is better equipped to support at-risk youth. Supporting Prevention Efforts: Beyond awareness, NRPM works to promote prevention programs and services that help families before a runaway crisis occurs. These services might include counseling, support for families in crisis, or outreach programs that provide resources to young people in need. Promoting Safe Options: For youth who feel they have no choice but to leave home, NRPM helps connect them with safe shelters, hotlines, and support networks. The National Runaway Safeline, for example, offers confidential counseling and resources to young people and families, providing a lifeline during moments of crisis. Engaging the Community: By encouraging local communities to come together, NRPM fosters collaboration between schools, social services, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and nonprofits. Community-wide efforts help ensure that youth who are at risk of running away have multiple, trusted points of contact for support. How You Can Get Involved There are many ways individuals, organizations, and communities can participate in NRPM, helping to make a meaningful difference in the lives of vulnerable youth: Donate to Youth Services: Many nonprofit organizations that focus on runaway prevention, such as the National Runaway Safeline, rely on donations to provide critical services. Contributing to these programs can help ensure they continue to provide a lifeline for young people in crisis. Volunteer or Partner with Local Agencies: Many local organizations offer volunteer opportunities to support runaway and homeless youth. Volunteering your time or expertise can make a lasting impact on the lives of at-risk youth. Spread Awareness: NRPM encourages social media campaigns, educational events, and local outreach to raise awareness. You can play a role by sharing information about the signs of runaway risk, the resources available, and how to support youth in need. Advocate for Policy Change: Advocacy is another critical aspect of NRPM. Communities can work to influence local and national policies that better address the root causes of youth homelessness and ensure there are enough resources available to support runaway prevention and intervention. Key Takeaways National Runaway Prevention Month serves as an essential reminder that every young person deserves a safe home and a supportive community. Running away is not a choice, but a sign that something is terribly wrong in a young person's life. By raising awareness, providing resources, and supporting prevention efforts, we can help reduce the number of youth who feel they have no other option but to leave home. Through collective action, we can make sure that more young people have the opportunity to thrive in a safe, supportive environment. If you or someone you know is in need of help, resources are available. The National Runaway Safeline provides confidential support, available 24/7. Call 1-800-RUNAWAY or visit their website for more information. This November, let’s all commit to being part of the solution and taking steps to keep our youth safe and supported—today and every day.